Segura | Press

Reiss initiate the use of Segura

Written by Laura Houghton | Aug 7, 2018 12:00:00 AM

In May 2018 Reiss published their UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and California Transparency in Supply Chains Act 2010 statement 2018. Reiss remains committed to ensuring that its operations and supply chains promote safe, fair, legal and humane working conditions. This means that they expect the business and their suppliers to abide by local laws, international labour and human rights standards in all countries in which they operate.

Reiss are dedicated to contributing towards the eradication of slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking (collectively referred to as modern slavery), with their business and their supply chain is closely aligned with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We recognise the reality of these issues for all concerned and we have established measures to identify the risks to our business that modern slavery presents. These measures are reviewed annually to ensure best practice.


The statement provides an overview of the work Reiss will do to implement an effective governance framework and their enhanced due diligence process, which includes a close review of modern slavery risks and indicative factors in the way they operate and how they source.

Their statement goes into further detail surrounding their work using Supplier Codes of Conduct, working closely with the Ethical Trading Initiative and ELEVATE. They also stipulate the further steps that they are seeking to take, building on the work conducted over the last 12 months. This year (2018/19) Reiss will focus on mapping its second-tier suppliers, such as sub-contracted units used for embroidery and printing processes and also fabric mills sourced in-house. Reiss will continue to build transparent supplier relationships, which will support its mapping efforts with suppliers who source raw materials on their behalf.

In an effort to further promote greater transparency and traceability, Reiss has initiated the use of Segura systems in our business operations, allowing Reiss to track and trace the orders of lower tiered trim suppliers.


Reiss continues to risk assess its supply base and extend its audit programme, encompassing its biggest purchasing volumes for 2018.

At Segura we look to work with orgnisations like Reiss, who are pasionately comitted to improving the world in any way they can. If you are like minded and want to know how Segura can help you to uncover risks and areas for improvement within your supply chain, please get in touch.